How to Buy a Business with No Money Down

There are a lot of people out there who would like to be business owners, but there is one small problem that is keeping them from pursuing their dream: lack of available capital. The assumption is that without a large bank account, it is impossible to purchase an existing business. Although it is not as […]
What Does It Take to Start Your Own Accounting Firm
Many CPAs start out working for a larger organization or accounting firm. This is a good way to get acclimated to your new profession, because you can learn from those who have been in the business for a while. For many accountants, however, there comes a point when they have gained enough experience working for […]
Measuring the Value of an Accounting Firm for Sale
With the Baby Boomers retiring, there are CPA practices for sale throughout the country. This is good news for aspiring accounting entrepreneurs that want to own their own firms, because it is generally less risky to buy into an established practice than to try to build one from scratch. Your chances of success are much […]