What is the Role of the Business Broker in a Business Sale

Those looking to buy or sell a business often wonder about the role of a business broker in the process. Does it make sense to use the services of a broker, or are you better off entering into the transaction on your own? How can a business broker help the seller or the buyer during […]
Mitigating Risk in Accounting Practice Sales Transitions
Going through a transition after the sale of a CPA practice or accounting practice is not generally a pleasurable experience for the principals, the staff, or the clients. A transition is simply the acts that CPAs and accounting practices take after a sale to effectively move the employees, and the clients to the new firm. […]
How Will Tax Reform Impact Selling a Business
Just days before Christmas 2017, the U.S. Congress passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the most sweeping tax reform legislation since the 1980s. This bill contains major changes to the tax code, and many of these changes are permanent. Overall, most Americans will pay lower taxes under this reform, and a much larger percentage […]
Common Pitfalls to Avoid When Selling a Business
Selling a business can be a challenging process. This is an asset you have worked hard to build, and it can be difficult to make the decision to let it go. When you are so close to the situation, it is easy to fall into some traps that may prevent the sale of your business […]
Approaching Your Business Sale from the Buyer’s Perspective
Selling a business is one of the most complex financial transactions you will ever make. You need to do several weeks (or more ideally months) of preparation, making sure you are ready to put your business on the market. The other side of the transaction is stressful as well. Prospective buyers have a lot to […]
Issues to Overcome When Selling a Business
At some point, the time comes when you are ready to sell your business. After years (even decades) of hard work building it up, you want to make sure you find the right buyer, and receive full compensation for what you have built. Most business owners understand that selling a business is complicated, but many […]
A Sellers Market for CPA & Accounting Practices
The best time to sell your CPA or Accounting practice has mostly to do with the external factors in your life. Your health, your life/work balance, your spouse’s retirement, financial commitments, and retirement plans all determine when its time. In some cases, I talk with practitioners for years and each year they decide to go […]