How to Purchase an Existing Business

Starting a business from scratch can be extremely challenging, which is why many aspiring entrepreneurs decide to purchase an existing business. Buying a business that is already established allows you to forgo all the headaches and financial stress associated with the initial startup phase, so you can move straight to reaping the rewards of being […]
Questions to Ask When Considering Buying an Accounting Practice

These days, the opportunities for accounting practices are virtually unlimited. Countless new businesses are forming every year, and this is likely to happen at an accelerated pace in the coming year as we continue to recover from the pandemic. CPAs can specialize in numerous ways as well, such as catering to specific industries or focusing […]
Planning for Business Success in 2020
2019 is in the history books, and it is time to plan for the year ahead. You may or may not have had a successful year, but either way, there are always improvements you can make going forward. Here are some important steps to planning for success in your business in 2020: Reevaluate your Mission, […]
Why Are Businesses So Expensive to Buy
Buying a business that has already been successful for a while is a great way to bypass a lot of the most annoying parts of creating a profitable business. But it is not a great way to save money. It is typically far more expensive purchase an existing business than to create a business from […]
What is the Best Way To Start a New Business
If one of your New Year’s resolutions was to own your own business in the near future, now is a great time to take action on that goal. Overall, the economy remains strong, and there are many sectors that are experiencing healthy growth. This provides ample opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs to capitalize on the current […]
How to Finance a Business Purchase Without Collateral
Many people want to be in business for themselves, but they do not have any collateral to secure a business loan. This may not be as much of an issue if you are starting a business from scratch. Many businesses, particularly those that can be operated from a home office, can be started for just […]
Tax Advantages of Owning a Business
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the median household income in America as of 2017 was $61,372. Though this is the highest income on record, expenses have risen sharply in recent years as well, and many families are still just scraping by. This is one of the reasons that buying a business can be an […]
Funding Options When Buying a Business
Purchasing an existing business offers a lot of advantages over starting a business from scratch. An existing business is already established and is already generating cash flow and (hopefully) profits. In addition, there is a built-in customer/client base, employees who are already trained and familiar with the operation, and a proven process in place. The […]
Profitable Businesses to Buy
The U.S. economy is starting to pick up steam, and the elimination of numerous federal regulations along with the recent passage of tax reform have created a much friendlier business environment. The tax rate for C corporations was lowered from 35% to 21%, a rate reduction of almost half. Pass-through corporations such as sole proprietorships, […]
Common Pitfalls To Avoid When Buying a Business
Going into business for yourself is one of the most exciting steps you can take. The right business is something you will be passionate about that will provide the income to live the lifestyle you want to have. Along the way, however, there is a lot of hard work to buying a business. This is […]