Tips for Finding a Business Owner Looking to Sell
Buying an existing business that is already successful is one of the best ways to become your own boss. Existing businesses offer a major advantage over starting from scratch because they are already established and have proven that they can compete effectively within the marketplace. The challenge to buying an established business is finding an […]
Three Common Mistakes When Purchasing a New Business
Acquiring a business will likely be the largest and most complex purchases anyone will make in their lifetime. While exciting and full of potential, business acquisition also comes with substantial risk. Below are three very common and critical mistakes to avoid when purchasing a going concern. 1) Under-capitalized Investment – Every business is purchased with […]
Business Acquisitions: How to Know When the Time is Right
In every successful business, the goal is sustained growth over a long period. This can be accomplished in a number of ways; growing market share with your current product offerings, adding new and complimentary products and/or services, and acquiring a competitor are three of the primary ways to grow a business. In addition, within each […]